Monday, August 2, 2010

life lesson in understanding

It was one of those times, where I just needed to get out of my own head. I had analyzed, over thought, and dug out every emotion, and when it came to an assessment of my problem, I really needed a second opinion. So I met up with my ex best friend’s ex boyfriend, who just so happens to be a good friend of mine, to help me evaluate my thoughts. And after some small talk and a few laughs, I found the words of wisdom that I needed to hear. Words that were not just comforting, but also thought provoking and I have to admit a little hard to swallow.
You have to understand that people won’t understand, was the summary of our first conversation. It’s an odd concept to really think about but people, in my case friends, won’t always understand or marvel, or even appreciate everything you go through, simply because they haven’t gone through it themselves. For instance, if my friend who skateboards told me that he kicked flipped 10 stairs, my response would most likely be simply and be composed of a congratulations and “ that’s cool.” I however, I wouldn’t fully understand the difficult of his accomplishment. Althought I would be impressed I wouldn’t be able to come up with absolute amazement, due to the fact that I’m not a skater.
Where this scenario comes in effect with me, is well in almost every part of my life. Sometimes I feel like I’ve climbed mount Everest, but no one even knows my struggle. I think sometimes I constantly feel like I’m living in different worlds. There is the world of dance, world of child care, the world of writing and journalism; there are my old friends, new friends, and family. I would be amazing if I could combine all these worlds into one, so that all would be appreciative and understanding of each other. But I know that this is not going to happen, and all I can do is be grateful that these worlds exist and that I get to take part in them. And furthermore I get to be friends with the people in each worlds and they are the one’s who love and understand me in different ways.
I guess the sum everything up, you have to constantly be putting things into perspective, always be grateful for every little thing.

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