Thursday, July 22, 2010


music is sneaky sometimes
it doesnt always hit you right away,
i remembering listening to the song miss me by drake
thought it was pretty chill
but then some how the song shot me from behind... a straight needle to my brain.. releasing the chemicals of the melody into my brain...taking me to that high where the beats lift me up...i'm hooked on every word.. on every percussion, string tied to my heart and i follow the words with the footsteps of my mind, it's like i'm riding a wave every time the verse changes.
hm music, you will always be the best drug,

emotional side note/ food for thought:
so i have this every go getter, have to do everything kind of attitude. Which explains why i'm always busy and justifies my sleep deprivation. but lately this attitude has got me stuck on whole i have to please everyone. and is illogical as that sounds, it really makes me sad when i have to say no to someone, or not be there for them. i feel like i'm missing out on the lives of the people i care about. But on the reverse side. I can only think of a handful of people who have taken the time out to ask, or take an interest in the things that i care about. Kind of puts things in perspective.

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