Monday, December 21, 2009

too good to be true

okay so i earlier today i checked my grades online and only two were posted. and two grades were only posted at first, showing two A's. And after i jumped through the air in joy. i left proud. Because this semester with out a doubt has been the hardest year. Not only that but i've worked three jobs, done multiple performances, and became apart of a dance team.
This year has been crazy, because all of thing i wanted happened at once. I wanted to be on a dance team, Hello Beat Jerkez
I wanted to write for a magazine, hello UL magazine
I wanted to perform more, belly danced at a show case and a private party
then i checked back at my grades and it shows that i have 4 a's when i thought i had two b's
call me crazy but i'm still waiting for the those a's to turn into b's.
idk sometimes its hard to believe in a good thing

going off topic

a little about me
i partially live my life based on attractions... i greatly atrracted to people.. always wanting to know more about that, be near them, personality, ambition, dreams, charaterristics, corkiness, it attracts me

who i am. I will do good a 1,000 good deeds, just to influence one person
and i will do good, do me, and hope but never expect change

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