Thursday, June 18, 2009

the disease

Around 4 a.m. he picked up the disease. Around 4 am my friend drove out of his way and picked a girl, whose name I was never told, but was strongly referred to as “ the disease.”

It was Saturday afternoon, when a few of my friends and I sat around talking when she was mentioned. My curiosity was aroused, when some girl who without even mentioning her name could completely change the mood of the room. And as I tried to inquire more about this taboo topic, I was told a story about a girl who apparently wore the scent of trouble and how my ended up in a messy tango with her.

My friends Friday night started off as a typical Friday night. Went out with a bunch of his friends to a party. He walked into the party being about eight shades lighter then every single person at the party, and after it was established that he wasn’t delivering pizza he proceeded to blend in with the scene. Had a few drinks, smoked a little, met some new people, and all in all had a good time. And towards the end of his night of intoxication and meet and greets, he started to head home when his phone rang.

And by him answering that phone call it was that one wrong turn he didn’t mean take, it was the last slice of pie he knew who shouldn’t have eaten, and it was the one thing that prevented him from ended a perfectly good night.

Apparently this girl, this damsel in distress called, drunk and stranded and in need of a rescuer. And by answer his phone, my friend elected himself to be her knight in shining armor. This girl ended up in out in the middle of no where and was about too check into the local Denny’s restaurant for the night. And being the nice guy that my friend his, he couldn’t leave the poor girl stranded. so he turned his light green Hyundai stallion around and drove miles out of his way to go rescue the drunk damsel in distress.

After picked her up, he drove back to his apartment, parked a block away because that was the only available parking, then and carried her intoxicated self up the block and up a full flight of stairs into his apartment.

After they got settled in the girl insisted that her hero be rewarded by the means of gas money. My friend did the noble thing and refused the money. And after persistent efforts of trying to offer a tangible reward, the girl asked in her flirty voice “ Well what do you want?” and with that line sending of a numerous about of insinuation. My friend thought it would be best if they just went to sleep.

But things didn’t quite end there. After going to bed at around four or five a.m., the girl proceeded to wake my friend up at 10 am because she needed a ride home. Apparently, she had a curfew.

After I hearing this story I felt that I needed to save my noble friend from himself, and show him the power and commonality of just saying no. After all people have to learn on their own right? And in his defense he offered of karma like reasoning to explain his behavior. And even though this wasn’t enough justification for me, his story and explanation reminded me of something. Even though it sucks to be the rescuer, and even though people do have to eventually people grow and fall on their own. It is important that if you have the chance to do something good, then you should do it. Even if there is no direct benefit for you, even if your good deed will probably be under appreciated. Good deeds are rare, and when someone does something nice or something good it’s usually for their own benefit. It’s disappointing but being good is often considered a character defect or a way to ultimately get what you want. So do good, every chance you get, because being bad is easy, being good isn’t.

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