Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What life is teaching me

Embrace: accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically I think it's natural to run away.Some might say it's instinct. It's natural to avoid discomfort. But in related everything that you try to avoid will become the mouse that creeps up into your home and sneaks by every trap you set. Embrace, embracing everything and anything if not enthusiastically them wiling accepted that bad shit happens just a much as the good shit. Every moment or situation whether good or bad is a moment to learn from and grow from. Accepting what ever is happening and move forward
. If you have to tell someone how ambitious you are or how hard you are working you aren't working hard enough. Many people feel the need to flaunt their efforts, but efforts, attempts and words aren't always what is impressive. Let success speak for itself.

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