Saturday, March 23, 2013

Cost Rica:You have arrived.

I hope to say the phrase" it was a dream come true" many more times in my life because arriving in Costa Rica was a dream come true. I was simply amazed that I was actually able to save the money, break away from my normal life, travel with people I've never met before and end up in a different country. Blessed is a feeling that I never stopped feeling because I honestly felt so blessed from the support of everyone who helped me make it to my destination. When we arrived it was night time. Our flight was delayed so we got there a little later then expected. I remember listening to the quiet of the night, few cars on the road. As our bus drove us to our location I remember looking out the window and trying to make out the city as I gazed at it under street lights. The ride was bumpy but pretty short, and we made it to C.E.D.C.A.S, the medical facility in which we stayed. There can be a bit of worry when you travel to a different country, one reason being that cleanliness standards vary from place to place but I was more then pleased with the C.E.D.C.A.S facility. We were greeted with a warm meal of spaghetti. Lilian who runs the facility greeted us with the warmest smile and with one shoe on her foot. She was trying to balance herself out after having hip surgery, so the wearing of one shoe wasn't from any type forgetfulness. We had short introductions then we were off to bed for we had an adventure planned for the next day. To find out more about C.E.D.C.A.S and the great work they do visit ( the website is all in Spanish). C.E.D.C.A.S is a medical facility that offers free and low cost medical care for those that are desperately in need for care. If you'd like to find out how to support C.E.D.C.A.S. feel free to contact me for information.

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