1. Do you. Don't just say who you are... be who you are! So many people are self proclaiming but at the end of the day words fall flat on the floor if there are no action behind them.
2. With some people adventure follows them... with others they have to actively seek adventure. Adventure can be found in the smallest and greatest of things, you just have to know how to look for it.
3.Have passion in you life. Not just the cheesy romantic novel kind, the kind that is a driving force in your life. The kind that pushes you to either be really good at something, or pushes you to seek more out of life.
4. Never fear the differencing of opinions. If your opinion is different then someone else is, SAY it. In a reasonable manner of course.
5. Something can be learned from every experience... good or bad... big or small... important or seemingly insignificant.
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