so I was talking to my boss the other day and she told me that she wanted me to come in 15 mins earlier to talk to me. Even though she said that it's nothing big and nothing to worry about....i did the exact opposite. You know the siren that goes off to warn people of danger... that went off in my head. And as I walked away calm and composed I nearly had a panic attack.
Eventhough I know I do my job well I know I'm not perfect and I do have things to work. I just kept thinking, what did I do wrong, where have I been slacking , did i forget something? I know i didn't do anything really messed up like forget a child or drop a child but it was hard for me to shake the feeling that something was wrong. Because i'm pretty sure we weren't gonna talk about giving me a raise, because how many times does that actually happen.
After a close to mental break down ( yes i worry that much) i thought something to myself
I can't undue what has already been done. If i made a mistake some where it's already been made and all that is left is to trust . To trust that the good work that i have done will shine through and has been recognized and that whatever mistake i may have made and can be improved and I can make things better. b=Because that's how progress is made right, and how things things are achieved. Without obstacles improvement would have little value. And when I do end up on top i can look down and feel proud because i will know of the many mountains I've climbed to get on top.
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