Okay before you get turned off by the title this is not going to be a blog about how sad and lonely I am on single awareness day. I'm single i've been aware but i'm not crying about it. and putting my current status aside I'm not the biggest fan of Vday, for the simple reason that you should buy the person u care about or love flowers, and take them out to dinner, surprise them all year long. Everyday, should be special with them, not just this one day.
So to go along with my boycott of vday I am taking the time to write about some of the little things that matter to me, because those moments of joy may be small and they may be big but they can last forever.
1. Family:my mom and day both wrote me the sweetest vday card, pretty much saying that they are proud of me, and that I'm a good person and to keep doing what I'm doing. it meant a lot because i think every child has that insecurity where they never want to let their parents down and always want to make them proud. and sometimes I worry that I get so busy that I've become a blurr to my parents. but it's nice to know that they still see a lot of good in me and that they believe in me.
2.Friends: to the friends who will buy me a bottle of wine, encourage me to drink moe then half, and then when i'm finally buzzed they will take me to the taco stand, buy me tacos to sober up, then drive me to dennys just so i can pee, drive me back to my car, then follow me home, just to be safe... i'm a lucky girl oh and friends that support me even though i never get to see them
3. Appreicating the simple fact that someone wants to spend time with you, even if you both don't have time to do so.
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