Saturday, April 3, 2010


-You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together. Justifying what could've, would've happened...or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on.- Tupac

I see, or envision parts of my life, or my relationships/ experiences as seeds, and i've realized something about the seeds that i have planted and will plant. In normal gardening, not every seed you plant will grow, no matter how much you water it, nor matter how much light you give it, or how much the soil is conditioned, it just won't grow. and often there is no clear explanation for this. and nothing can be done to make this see grow. this is tru with my life. not every seed I plant, not every thing i try will work out. not every relationship whether it be friendship, romantic or intimate will work out. and i'm learning to accept it just like that

also with seeds, not every plant will grow the same, and every seed is unique. Some plants will only grow so far, some seeds will blossom into flowers, others into trees, some many only even sprout a few leaves. but sometimes all you can do is admire it for what it is. I think sometimes i expect to much out of the seeds that i grow, and forget that i don't have complete control. not every seed will blossom into the perfect flower i want it to be, not every seed will grow and forever stay that way. I just have to admire it and appreciate it, for what it is, nothing more or nothing less.

I've come to realize that it is very hard for me not care about things. yes there is a never ending list of things i shouldn't care about. but there are many times where i think it is important to care, and many times where it is important to careless.

kk most of that seemed way to passive for me... so i will end this blog by sayin, if u don't like something, change it

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