Thursday, November 12, 2009


21st century usually means fast past, but i've realized that my life kind of takes it to a certain level
typical day for me will start at 6am and probably end around midnight or 1 am. And within in that day i am bounce around from place to place, leaving a trail of passion, and footprints of exhaustion and excitement. And within that day i've probably done a weeks worth of things. I've have heard it many times before, that people get "exhausted" just from reading my status updates. And my mind is a just about as completely scattered as my life, i obsessively multi- task, i can't even get through this blog with out checking on other windows.
But i've noticed, that i'm not the only person who lives on 18 hour days, and survives off of cat naps. Maybe it's a dancer thing, but some of the people around, are on that always going somewhere always doing something kind of drug.
And i've realized that this is the only drug I need. The drug to grab whatever life hands you. although i have to be careful on the dosage.
I love the go go go lifestyle i leave, and the only regret i have, is that i don't always appreciate and enjoy the go go lifestyle, oh and the fact that my room can never stay clean :)

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