Friday, September 4, 2009

relationship #1: playful relationship

relationships to me are not defined by simple boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife. but relationships are determined and defined through our connections with people. Whether these are good connections or bad connections, if some one is influence or apart of your life even in the smallest way, there lies a relationship.

i am fascinated by relationships with certain people. mostly boys, because I find myself in various relationships all very different from eachother but all do in some way impact my life. Even if I don't admit it,

Relationship #1: the playful relationship
the playful relationship with guy number one. The number has not suffienct meaning, I don't rank my relationships. This is one of the relationships i enjoy the most, mostly because it feels so natural. And probably laugh the most in this relationship then any other of my guy relationships. I love the comfort when I'm around him, the comfort in our differences. I feel like I can be completely myself around him. And though our lifestyles are very different we still connect so well. And i never thought I would have talked to this guy as much as I have.
but I feel like in this relationship we are dancing socially, we're not in a tango or a waltz. Not fully engaging ourselves in the relationship. I kind of feel that if we were to mess with fate and perhaps take things further.... I think we would be running a race we know we couldnt win. If we were to make it more then what it is, it was be a short fun ride, but there wouldnt be enough to keep the ride going on.
thats why i deem this the playful relationship. We are not intimate, althought i do sometimes wonder what would happen if we were. but we simply enjoy eachtoher's company. we don't seem to dig further then what is need. and things work out great,

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