Thursday, September 10, 2009


It interesting how sometimes the closer you get to your dreams, sometimes fears and insecurities to seem to resurface. At least for me anyways. Fear is an interesting thing. Because we are not born with it, it is learned. Learned from failure. because failure is often what we fear and if we have never expereicned failure or have known what it is like, we would fear it?
I like to personify things, it helps me to deal with whatever i'm dealing with and it makes it easier to overcome. So i'm making my fears really by listing them, making them know so they can be dealt with, seen, destroyed, walked over and torn down. Because on your path to your dreams you will have to climb over many walls, and i dont want fear to be that wall.

1. i'm afraid of spiders
2. i'm afraid of not being good enough, mostly for myself
3. i'm afraid of caring to much, or letting myself care to much, because i will be taken advantage of yet again
4. i'm afraid that my hardwork won't pay off
5. i'm afraid of never finding love again
6. i think sometimes i'm afraid of myself because i hold back so much
7. i'm afaird of letting my strength become my weakness
8. i'm afaird i won't make a difference

those are just a few, but every day i choose to not be afraid...

" fear is only in our minds, taking over all the time" -Evanescnce

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