Thursday, August 6, 2009

kiersten's adventure-. side of the road

Okay so the start of my adventure with my amazing group of friends, started monday night around 9pm. we left Santa Barbara and were off to Auburn Ca, which was about 6-7 hours away. so we get near our destintation area, made a stop at the local dennys, because we were running low on fuel and pancakes and breakfast burritos were our life support. so we decided to be very spontaneous, maybe a lil naive, and decided to through the sleeping backs on the ground, near the road, and sleep under the stars for the next 3-4 hours. Because at the time we decided all this it was about 4am, and we had to meet our instructor for white water rafting at 8am.
okay sleeping at the side of the road, near a hiking site. nooot the safest idea. but this was actually a very proud moment for me.
1. i didnt get freaked out over the potiental bugs that may decided to crawl on me, i just buried myself in the sleeping bags
2. firgued that most harmful wildlife wouldnt come this close to the road
3. and as far a serial killers, well kind of took our chances with them, and they was 5 of us and i',m a like sleeper. kind of prayed extra hard on that one

but it was nice feeling to look up and see all the stars and waking up by the sun
:) good adventure

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